5 Changes You Can Make Today to Live a Better Life Now

The power to live a more fulfilling life is truly in our hands. Each and everyone of us is capable of living a better life today. 

No matter where we are in life, or how far we’ve come, we always have room for improvement. This is a beautiful fact of life. That we have the opportunity to continue to grow, evolve and improve our life circumstances. We are each unique and gifted individuals with the power to create fulfilling changes in our everyday life to live even better than we already do.
In this article we’ll discuss the small yet profound steps you can take each day to continuously improve your daily life and to continue to realize your forever growing potential. 

Simple changes that have the power to create tremendous growth

The simple truth is, we can not change others. We only have the power to change ourselves. The will and drive for change has to come from within and can not come from someone else, not our parents, partners, best friends or children. Here are steps you can take to continue to grow and nurture yourself. 

1. Every morning or evening write out for yourself what you need to make time for to have an ideal day- for some reason, we all have a really hard time making time for the activities that whole heartedly nourish us. We really want to encourage you to take 5 minutes out of your day, whether it’s the night before, or the morning of, and to write out for yourself three things that you’d like to do that day that will make you feel loved and valued. It could be anywhere from taking 5-20 minutes for yourself in the afternoon, sitting in stillness and to just breathe. It can be  going for a long walk, going for a swim, doing yoga, meditating, watering your plants, cooking a healthy meal for yourself, whatever it is that makes you feel grounded, secure and self confident. Only you know what would be best for you. And no, you don't have to spend money to fill up your days with nourishing activities. You can, but you certainly don’t have to. 

2. Own up and take control- sometimes we over complicate things for ourselves. And by sometimes we mean most of the time. We take on too much and think these activities or goals are what will bring us true joy. But now it’s time to really evaluate if the activities and responsibilities we pile onto our plates are truly the activities that will bring us closer to our own sense of personal fulfillment ; will bring us closer to a higher sense of self worth. We’re not suggesting to abandon all of your responsibilities here, we’re merely suggesting that you come to realize what areas are lacking in your life and take control and to take action to do what you need to do to live better, healthier and a more balanced life.  

3. Reduce the doubt and increase the optimism- Doubt doesn’t really get us very far. It usually works at paralyzing us into loops of doubt over what we might have done, what we should have done or what we should do. Rather than getting trapped in doubtful-thought patterns, we recommend that you trust what you said or did, or will do as what was best for you and to just let it go. Learn to move forward with trust in yourself. You can do this by increasing the volume in the ways that you are great. You can focus on characteristics of yours like, “I’m always on time, I am reliable and follow through with whatever I’ve committed to, I care about those who are closest to me, I value my life, I value my time, I have accomplished X,Y, and Z in the last months,” and so on. Keep steering forward with the ways you feel satisfied and the areas in your life where you feel you have been true to yourself and have accomplished your goals. We don’t need to get trapped in thoughts and feelings that bring us down, we can get trapped in thoughts and feelings that lift us up. This is our choice. 

4. Do something for you every single day- Do something that’s for you and you alone each day. Whether it’s eating a piece of cake, taking a very long bath, signing up for a course, binge watching movies or tv shows, writing, painting, swimming, whatever it may be, be selfish, do something entirely for yourself. Treat yourself each day to something that will remind you of how much you value yourself. How you can take care of yourself and your own needs. And how you can set aside time for yourself, even if it’s just 10 minutes everyday to enjoy and love who you are, and show your gratitude to yourself for being alive and getting this far!

5. Don't rush and stress yourself out- Most of us have overloaded our schedule making us feel we have to run from one place to the next, otherwise we might not get enough done that day. But how do you feel when you are in a rush and running around from one place to the next? Do you feel secure and at ease, or do you feel anxious and worried? Do you feel calm and balanced, or do you feel unbalanced and nervous? When we rush and run around all day with all that anxiety, we one, tend to make more mistakes, and two, severely stress ourselves out and reduce our quality of life. 

How about doing things in a calm fashion? What about pacing out your day so that you can achieve the most important goals without having to work yourself up to an anxious mess? Can you imagine what kind of impact this way of thinking and doing will have on your days and therefore your life? It’s definitely worth it to turn things down a notch!

Have you adjusted your daily routine in small ways to live a better life? What have you recently taken on that has made a huge impact on your quality of life? We’d love to hear from you! 

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