Self-Acceptance in the Age of Social Media: Navigating Comparison and Judgement
Comparison and judgment isn’t really something new in our lives. We’ve all experienced the two whether it’s been through comparing ourselves to our siblings, peers, and family members. And we’ve experienced judgment in one way or another. Whether we felt that judgment in school, in our performance at school, and perhaps in other areas of our lives. So the experience of the two isn’t entirely new, but it has changed, and for many of us, may feel stronger than ever. These feelings of comparison and judgment directly impact our sense of self and self-acceptance. So, what’s a human to do in today’s day and age overcrowded by social media posts? Let’s talk about it.
Social Media in Relation to Comparison and Judgement
Social media has now enhanced and intensified the experience of comparison and judgment due to the words and images we take in. Our phones are in the palm of our hands, and for many of us, they’re addictive. We find ourselves looking and searching for images and words we might not look for if all these things weren’t as accessible as they are. These images and words that we’re absorbing daily, even hourly, directly impact our sense of self worth. So how do we work on self-acceptance in such challenging times?
The Work of Self Acceptance
The work of self-acceptance is the same. What does this mean? It means seeing what is great about yourself and why that is valuable to you instead of what other people think. Seeing your difference as unique and not less than or better than others.
The issue is knowing your limits when it comes to social media. If self-acceptance is something that you’re struggling with, start paying attention to when you start questioning yourself, your achievements or looks. Notice when you’re feeling inadequate after being on social media, and ask yourself why you are on social media, and what function it has in your life.
When you start comparing your life to others, remember people are only sharing their highlights. Steer yourself away from comparisons and judgements and try to focus on all the good you have in your life and all the good you have to offer. Try not to get too caught up in the messages people are trying to sell about their lives through social media for your own healthier, stronger sense of self worth.
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