Authentically Be You Counseling & Wellness Studio

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Why Self-Compassion is Essential for Your Mental Health

Let’s take some time to discuss and review the invaluable virtue of self-compassion. It’s something we can all use a little more of in our day-to-day life. In this article I’d like to go over the definition of self compassion, the benefits of self compassion and how each of us can implement self compassion into our daily lives today. 

What is Self Compassion?

I like to say it’s like being your own best friend. It takes a lot of emotional strength and patience to foster the virtue of self compassion. It’s about offering the same kind of attention, kindness and forgiveness you would give to your best friend and the people you care about most in your life. When we learn to forgive, listen and take care of ourselves we can then live a more authentic life, be able to give more to ourselves, and therefore be able to give more to others. 

Benefits of Self-Compassion 

Self compassion is an antidote to perfectionism when you have a hard time accepting your imperfections and you often resort to self-criticism. Give yourself the time and generosity to step back out of your perfectionism loop and practice forgiving yourself and appreciating all that you have achieved. 

Self compassion will give you that room you need to make mistakes and will teach you how to be okay with any shortcomings you may have, or any problems you couldn’t solve to make everyone around you happy. Learning to practice self compassion can help you really value the person that you are, your true strengths and ALL the things you have already achieved. It can also help reduce anxiety and depression and increase your self worth.

How to Implement Self-Compassion Today

One thing you can do to implement self-compassion today is notice when you are having a hard time and using that time to say a kind word to yourself. Be more kind to yourself. Try to steer away from that self critical talk and practice acknowledging all that you have done up until that challenging point. For example: If you often say to yourself "I should have known better," try and replace it with something like "I made the best choice in the moment."

Remind yourself that you are doing your best and it’s okay when things don’t go exactly according to plan, or how you would have wanted it to go. You are only human and we are all only capable of achieving and controlling so much. Don’t be afraid to be kind to yourself. You deserve to forgive yourself and to be gentle and kind to yourself. It’s important that we always remember that, even during the more challenging times. 

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